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IN615000 Inventory Balance


Does anyone know how to resolve this error? I am unable to access report IN615000 Inventory Balance Report.

Thanks for any help.



13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @thoyt76 

is this happen in 23R2?

There are table name changes in 23R2.


Please find the standard Acumatica inventory balance report.IN615000.rpx


Thank you for your reply!!

Yes, we just upgraded. Where do I access it? I get this error:



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @thoyt76 

You need to work with your development team to adjust the tables and remove the deprecated table.

I believe this is a customization in the report and requires developer assistance.

Please use the standard Inventory balance if needed.


Thank you, will do.


Where is the standard inventory balance?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


Please find the report above link


I cannot access that report. That is the one showing the error.

Userlevel 4


Please find the report above link

We can’t access your sharepoint link.  Shows we do not have access.


That didn't work

We're sorry, but <my email> can't be found in the directory. Please try again later, while we try to automatically fix this for you.
Userlevel 1

I am also experiencing the same issue. 
We have multiple clients have have been upgraded to 23R2. 

but only one is having the issue of not accessing the report. All report versions have the Insitecoststatus table but are working fine except one. 

The stock Acumatica report link that you provided, I am not able to access. Can you provide a downloaded link in this thread?

When clicking on the link you provided @thoyt76 it takes me here:



Same think for me: Unable to acces IN615000 since upgrade from 2023R1 to 2023R2.

Userlevel 2

If you have access to Demo site for 2023 R2 - it has working version of the report.

Please follow release note.

On page no 70 it’s mentioned that

“The INSiteCostStatus and INLotSerialCostStatus projections DACs have been deleted from the PX.Objects.IN namespace. The new INSiteCostStatusByCostLayerType and INLotSerialCostStatusByCostLayerType from the PX.Objects.IN.DAC.Projections namespace should be used instead.”

Userlevel 4


Could someone explain to me please why standard oobx inventory balance reporte uses INSITECOSTSTATUS and didnt present error in a customer that the version is the same since the creation of the instance but when an UPGRADE to 2023R2 occurs it appeared the error?

The image above is the schema of an oobx inventory balance report from a customer that didnt UPGRADE.


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

As outlined from multiple Members above, you need to adjust Tables from the old names to the new ones.

Still currently working through this myself on a Custom Report that follows the normal Report but here is what I gathered so far.


Replace INSiteCostStatus with INSiteCostStatusbyCostLayerType including using the Refresh/Refactor option to map all fields after removing INSiteCostStatus

Replace INLotserialCostStatus with INLotSerialCostStatusbyCostLayerType including using the Refresh/Refactor option to map all fields after removing INLotSerialCostStatus


Depending on how your Report is structured there could be more but these two definitely changed and have been replaced with the byCostLayerType Tables.

Custom Reports are not updated. If native Reports have Modifications to it, the Update usually does not apply correctly either.


I hope this helps everyone a little on resolving these issues.
