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GI - Sum Function for Qty Avalilable

Would anyone know why a GI would not allow the ability to use a Sum function on a specific line for the Total Aggregate? Every other line has the ability to select a dropdown and choose a function - this is the only line which does not. 



4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@JReppard I just checked my GI and I don’t seem to see the same behavior:

Are there other tables you have joined in?

Sometimes it can be a good idea to peel back layers of the GI to see if the functionality is regained, then add layers back to find where the behavior is seen again.

You could also try uploading your GI in the thread to see if we see the same issue with the same GI.

On a side note though, this field is not an actual field (non-existent in the DB) so it could be affected by other joins or if the field is customized in some way?

Userlevel 1

@BenjaminCrisman Thanks. I appreciate it. I'm newer to building out GI and all that goes into them, but this one I am stumped. The aggerate field does allow a sum - it's the total aggerate field which does not. I am looking for the Qty Remaining to total on the GI screen, but not allowing me to.

I attached it .

Userlevel 7

Hi @JReppard were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Userlevel 1

@Chris Hackett - I have not completed the solution yet or found one to work. I hope to soon
