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GI parameters

  • 22 February 2024
  • 1 reply

does anyone have tips or tricks for managing the display of parameters on a GI?

how can I get then spread across the top instead of stacked?

I can see the sizes makes a difference for  this 

but what is column span ? 



1 reply

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There is no way to ‘place’ fields necessarily. However, there are a couple things you do have control of. You can choose how many columns the parameters block is allowed to consume:


If you have four parameters and arrange them in two columns, this is the order they will fall by default:




You could reorder them in the parameter list to get 2 to fall in the second column by ordering them 1,3,2,4:




Column span allows a field to span multiple columns:


However, the ordering of this is important. The field spanning multiple columns needs to be placed in such a way as to fall in the first column that it will be part of. For instance, in order to have 5 span the two columns here, it had to be placed so it would fall in the first column, so after 3. The order here is 1,3,5,2,4.

Hopefully that is somewhat helpful.
