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I’m trying to determine the best way to create a GI that displays the number of days a stock item has been “in-stock”. Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought maybe using the INItemSiteHistDay table would be the way to go but I’m just not sure where to go from there. We’re also using the Average inventory valuation model which does us no favors when it comes to item history. Any suggestions are appreciated.

HI @mikeho 

Are you looking for when the item was created or when it was received on a PO?

Hi @kandybeatty49 - this specifically has to do with inventory qty on hand so when it was received on a PO would make the most sense. To provide additional clarification, we would like to be able to show data that answers the following questions: “Out of the past 90/120/180 days, how many days has this product been in-stock”? The reason being, as we continue to deal with supply chain issues our sell-through history doesn’t provide the entire picture and this data can help fill in some of the gaps.

Hi @mikeho were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett - I have not, still trying to find a way to do this.

Out of the past 90/120/180 days, how many days has this product been in-stock”?


I too am looking for this data. Anyone come up with an idea/find anything?
