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Is there a way to dynamically pull the current User’s Email into the From of a Notification Template (assuming that it’s been set up as System Email Account)?  This would be very helpful in personalizing the emails out of Acumatica without the User needing to manually switch the From field each time.

Hello @craig2,

The user should set up his Default Email Account on the user profile. For more info refer to the following article:


That’s perfect, didn’t even know that was there!  Thanks @Irina!

@Irina i came across this post as i was about to post a new topic that is somewhat similar to this post. SO before i did, figured i’d ask you first.


We have a need to dynamically set the from address on a notification template that is triggered/sent out from a business event. The general idea is that we want the from address to be one of our sales associates based on the record that is being sent from the business event GI to the notification template. the data is readily available, however, the selector for “from” only shows the system email accounts that have been setup, and doesn’t allow me to set the from address dynamically.

In this scenario, actually each of the associates do in fact have a corresponding system account setup.

Do you have any idea as to whether this is possible within Acumatica without creating separate business accounts for each of our associates?


@ckwiat46 you can setup business event for each employee, for example create one GI, but distinguish employees by the filter, base BE on the filter, and set up respective From on the Notification Template.

It is not possible to do this within one notification - as you can see, From selector on the Notification template allows you to select only one specific email account and doesn’t allow any formulas or data fields.

For the future, I suggest to post a separate question, not in solved questions.
