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Can we create a parameter with multiple selected option

  • 7 November 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi All,

As per customer requirement, we will send a dunning letter following Customer Order Nbr.

So, on the Dunning Letter AR661000, we want to add a filter that allows us to select multiple documents belonging to 1 Dunning Letter and print it.

Is it possible to add a parameter with the multiple-selected option? If yes, how can we do that?

Thank you,

Yên Chi

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi @chidao! I suspect you may be able to accomplish this in at least one way, but I could only think of a couple ways to possibly pull it off.

You could setup individual parameters for each document you want to select and then create filters for each one to make sure if it is filled in, that it is used in the report. The parameters wouldn’t be dependent on the dunning letter so the user would need to select them manually and know which ones to select, which could be a hassle.

Otherwise you may need to create a custom table which uses a dependent relationship based on the dunning letter to populate the associated invoices.

I checked to see if this dependent connection exists already but I did not see that it does, so it would need to be created, at which point if you are creating custom table then it might be possible to incorporate a multi-select option built into it, but it might also need to be something where there are multiple parameters, one per invoice, and if there are lots, then I think this may not be a feasible option.

Perhaps there could be a more useful option to just filter out the invoices which you don’t want to show in the report instead?

Userlevel 1

This is really a good question. We are also looking for similar solution where we can select multiple project managers in report filter.

At present, we don’t have straight forward solution. We are evaluating alternative solutions.

I will post a solution that works.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

@sanjayverma if you wanted you could create an attribute with multi-select option and list all the Project Managers under the attribute so they are available when someone clicks the dropdown.

This is not a viable solution with invoices due to obvious reason, but even still if a new project manager is added then the attribute would need to be updated to include the new entry.

I haven’t tested something like this specifically in reporting to see what the additional report configurations would look like, but it certainly seems like it could work.

Userlevel 1

@BenjaminCrisman - That seems like good workaround. Let me give a try and I hope it could work.

Thank you so much for your quick reply. Much appreciated!!!
