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ARDunningLetter.Deadline Field on Stock Dunning Letter Form AR661000?

Doing some editing work on stock Dunning Letter Form, but can’t seem to figure out how to manipulate the ARDunningLetter.Deadline field that is showing up on my Dunning Letter. Looks like it is adding 3 Days to ARDunningLetter.DunningLetterDate, but not sure where that additional 3 day setting would be coming from?


3 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi, How is your Dunning letter settings look like? Days to Settle is 3 or not?


Thank you for the response...Appreciated. After digging a little more I realized the deadline date is actually created when “preparing dunning letters”, by grabbing the days to settle numbers in the AR Preferences. Makes sense. So to re-create the dunning letter with correct deadline date, you can just void previous letter and re-create letter again with correct deadline date.

Thanks again.





Userlevel 7

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @adamclarke !
