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Add the quantity for the same inventory id

  • 16 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Please help me to get total of quantity for the same inventoy id from shipment line


3 replies

Badge +18


Please show your report, show the Schema Builder - Relationships tab. Relationships will show us what tables you are using.

Tell us what fields you tried already, that did not work. Show us the field you want, on the Shipment screen.

Consider attaching your report to this thread.

These details will help us answer. Thank you.



Hi Laura I attached here the report file and this is the screen i want to show on report to get the total quantity for the same inventory ID

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @jhan47 ,

You can use the sum function to get a total for a group.  In your report the ‘group1’ group is grouped by ShipmentNbr, LineNbr and InventoryID.  The LineNbr will cause your totals to break because each line will be grouped separately.

If you added a grouping above this that was just by ShipmentNbr and InventoryID, then you could use the sum function: =sum([SOShipLine.ShippedQty]). 

I would suggest calculating this sum and saving it in a variable in the header section of the new inventory id grouping.  You can then print the variable in your existing Group1 header.

Hope this makes sense and helps 😁.

