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How does a Push Notification know when it has sent out an event for a given record so that it doesn’t do it again?

I thought I remember reading that Push Notifications and Business Events make use of some sort of temporary table to know how not to send duplicate events for the same record. But searches seem to show up nothing.

Hi @Django 

There is a Push notification form in Acumatica that has details of the processed/failed notifications. You can also refer to the help article

@Denham - unfortunately, no.

Thank you @pallikasharma11 - I appreciate the link!

I’m trying to figure out how a business event or push notification that’s based on the results of a GI that would normally return, say, 30 records. But if I add a transaction and now the GI returns 31 records, how does Acumatica know that the new record is a new record and that the other 30 are old (and therefore will not send a notification for the rest of them)?

Or if a record is removed from the result set, how does it know?

I’m trying to figure out if I needed to ‘reset’ the remembered list of transactions that had been pushed since a certain date/time, can I do that by resetting some table/field value somewhere?

Hi @Django 

Did you ever find a solution to this? I am facing something similar where I need to create a push notification which is triggered when Sales Orders with selected Ship Via codes are completed, and the only way I’m thinking this can be accomplished is to create a GI that will have records inserted as orders are completed?

