Hi Karl,
And welcome to our MYOB User Board!
Thankyou for your question, and our MYOB Acumatica Knowledge base is home to where we will store our Knowledge articles, you look to have found a error in our messaging, so thankyou for the question!
We will work hard to remediate the messaging on our Help article, the Acumatica community has an amazing search capability that can be utilized as a searchable help engine within the community to easily find if another user has asked a similar question or answered something already prior at an international scale.
Thanks So much once again for the callout and we will edit our MYOB Acumatica Knowledge article to reflect the correct messaging! 
Not sure if you got an answer to your question @Karl Brooks but I just wanted to chime in to say I can visit both links in your post without error. So it is possible, perhaps they need to do something to your account at their end?
Hi @Graeme Laughton-Mutu - You are correct that access to KBs, Ideas, Product downloads are based on the account setup in Acumatica CRM. You are in as a customer there attached to a business account so have access. Karl is there as a registered guest which won’t provide that level of access. For Karl (or anyone else), they would need to work with their business administrator if they believe they should have access. Otherwise, as Gemma noted they would use the MYOB Acumatica Knowledge.
@Chris Hackett So I am a MYOB Acumatica customer (4+Years).
It’s a little unclear - Should I be given access?
Who can administrate and authenticate this access? MYOB, Acumatica or our MYOB business consultant?
Hi @Karl Brooks - You would need to work with MYOB. You need to be attached to an Acumatica business account in Acumatica CRM. As an MYOB customer that may not be something that is possible but I don’t know.
@Karl Brooks / @Chris Hackett ,
Currently MYOB customers do not have direct access to the Product Ideas/Knowledge Base areas of Acumatica community.
Product enhancements should be raised by your implementation consultant.
I’ve passed your concerns about access on so we can consider a change in future.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Best Regards,
Will H