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Default Sort by Start Date on Activity Tab on Customer Master

  • 6 August 2024
  • 2 replies


I was wondering if there was a way we could have the Activities Tab on the Customer Master sort by Start Date “Descending” by default.  That way our sales team doesn’t have to do that to see their most recent activities every time they open the Customer Master screen.


@bigred1022 I think this is possible with a simple customization on Activities Tab and Start Date field. all you need to do is set the SortDirection Layout Attribute to Descending and publish. I could not think of any other easier way doing it though the UI. Be informed this property is under hidden properties and you need to click on the filter icon to show.

You also need to make sure this change is not causing any issue on other customization projects ,if any, published.

Hi @bigred1022,

From the graph extension you can try like below to sort view,

    public class CustomerMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ContactDetailsExt, PX.Objects.AR.CustomerMaint>
#region Event Handlers
public override void Initialize()
CustomerMaint_ActivityDetailsExt dets = Base.GetExtension<CustomerMaint_ActivityDetailsExt>();

Hope that helps.! Good Luck,
