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Access Rights for Custom Tab Item

I am working on a customization to create a tab item on the projects page to house company-specific information. The name of the tab is the name of the company. I need to make this tab item only visible to people that are in that company in Acumatica. Our Acumatica instance is set up with 5 companies, 0 branches.

Ideally, I would love to only show the tab item when the user is in that company since some people have access to multiple companies. But so far I haven’t seen anything suggesting that is possible. 

It looks like my best bet is Access Rights By Screen. Each user has user roles based on their company as well as their job role. So my thought it to set the access rights by screen to only show the Company 1 tab item to people with the Company 1 user role. But I can’t figure out how to get the tab item to show up on the Access Rights By Screen page. Under “projects” I see all of the out-of-the-box tab items, but not the custom one that I created. 

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Have you reset the application Cache from the Apply Updates screen?

you could use the below potentially, not based on the role but on the company that they are accessing it from.

protected virtual void _(Events.RowSelected<YourDac> e, PXRowSelected b)

YourDac row = e.Row;

b?.Invoke(e.Cache, e.Args);

YourViewName.Cache.AllowSelect =
Accessinfo.CompanyName == "YourCompanyName";


