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Update SOLine 'Requested On' field with import scenario

I’m trying to make an import scenario that will update individual lines on a sales order to set the requested ship date to a date further in the future. The issue I’m having is the scenario will only add a line to the order instead of updating the corresponding line despite using linenbr and InventoryID as custom keys. I did have a working scenario like this previously before updating to our current Acumatica version (2023r1 build 23.115.0031) so I’m wondering if there was a change or something related to this functionality? Or am I missing something else?


15 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @timKallman ,

To start you will want to uncheck the line that sets <Line Number> to -1.  The -1 value tells Acumatica to insert a row.  Alternatively, leave this row active and replace -1 with the formula below.

Lookup the existing row either by <Line Number> or by the using the Inventory ID as a custom key.  Both lookups are not needed.  Use @@InventoryID in the Field/Action Name for the inventory id lookup.  However, if the same inventory id may appear multiple times on a Sales Order, then the Line Number is a better option.  Through trial and error I’ve found that the formula CInt([Line Order]) - 1 returns the correct row.


Hope this helps!


Userlevel 4

@timKallman Hey! I’ve experienced bugs in import scenarios before, so that can’t be ruled out if it was working previously.

However, I do see that you have the “Line Nbr. =-1” line set to active.
The line number should not be active for Import Scenarios that update existing lines. The mapping in your screenshot is correctly adding a new line based on the LineNbr. row being active.


Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately I’ve already tried unchecking the line with various combinations of the ‘commit’ checkbox with the other fields and it didn’t change the outcome. 

@timKallman Hey! I’ve experienced bugs in import scenarios before, so that can’t be ruled out if it was working previously.

However, I do see that you have the “Line Nbr. =-1” line set to active.
The line number should not be active for Import Scenarios that update existing lines. The mapping in your screenshot is correctly adding a new line based on the LineNbr. row being active.



Hi @timKallman ,

To start you will want to uncheck the line that sets <Line Number> to -1.  The -1 value tells Acumatica to insert a row.  Alternatively, leave this row active and replace -1 with the formula below.

Lookup the existing row either by <Line Number> or by the using the Inventory ID as a custom key.  Both lookups are not needed.  Use @@InventoryID in the Field/Action Name for the inventory id lookup.  However, if the same inventory id may appear multiple times on a Sales Order, then the Line Number is a better option.  Through trial and error I’ve found that the formula CInt([Line Order]) - 1 returns the correct row.


Hope this helps!




Userlevel 4

Could you provide a copy of your import scenario?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Your Order Summary is not correct you must lay it out as follows. Also remove the Inventory bits on the Details as you dont need it Linenbr will do. Also ensure the Line Number = -1 is not active. The one below updates discount (not mine but i have borrowed and used it for other feilds)



Could you provide a copy of your import scenario?


Your Order Summary is not correct you must lay it out as follows. Also remove the Inventory bits on the Details as you dont need it Linenbr will do. Also ensure the Line Number = -1 is not active. The one below updates discount (not mine but i have borrowed and used it for other feilds)



unfortunately this also doesn’t work, using this I get ‘unit conversion is missing’ as an error, I think because it thinks I’m still entering a new line into the order

Userlevel 7

Hi @timKallman were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @timKallman were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett, not yet unfortunately

Userlevel 2

@timKallman please try this



I get ‘unit conversion is missing’ with that setup

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

@timKallman  Can you please share your updated import scenario?

@timKallman  Can you please share your updated import scenario?

@Naveen Boga 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @timKallman  I just tried with the below import scenario and it is working as expected.



Userlevel 1

@timKallman did this work for you?
@Naveen Boga Followed this thread because I’ve been trying to do a similar action to update a field on an existing line item, and followed your steps here but I still get the same error mentioned about unit conversion. Is stopping us through all variations of the attempt above. Any other help on this would be greatly appreciated!
