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We are trying to do our physical inventory from an excel spreadsheet import using an import scenario but for some reason my scenario will not add another line until it gets to a location with a different ID. I’ve tried changing the orders around and playing with the commit option but I’m not having any luck.


I need to use the ADD dialog box in the physical inventory review or count screen as many of our inventory lines don’t have a line at the time of PI creation.(Long explanation). 




I am looking at the import scenario and wondering why there a was need for the document summary.

I am also doing an import but I think I will only need 4 columns.

@jcox43 - Trying to understand the process here. If you are doing a Physical Inventory Count, are the counted quantities recorded on an excel spreadsheet?

If not, are you using the PI Count Sheet to note the Physical Quantities?

If the goal is to load the count details into Physical Inventory Review, then why are you not “uploading” the Excel Spreadsheet on the Physical Inventory Review - see highlighted in red below?

I am assuming you have the Physical Quantities on the Excel Spreadsheet that you are trying to import.

Our goal this inventory was to record the counts in an excel spread sheet. 

But currently we use both the PI count sheets to record our finished goods but for our raw material we record our measurements or weight (some are just piece counts) on “blank” inventory sheets that then need to be converted into MSI values which can then be input to the PI. 

We’ve never recorded any of our PI in excel before. 


I don’t know why I never attempted to use that upload method on this though… it may work and I will try this before our next inventory. For some reason I’m thinking the note field cannot be uploaded… is that correct? We like to record our count sheet/tag number in that field for easier auditing and recounting.



HI @jcox43 

Have you tried the Add Line?


No I have not tried that yet, our inventory was this weekend so we had to rely on manual input on this. I will try to test this to see if it works.


@jcox43 - Trying to understand the process here. If you are doing a Physical Inventory Count, are the counted quantities recorded on an excel spreadsheet?

If not, are you using the PI Count Sheet to note the Physical Quantities?

If the goal is to load the count details into Physical Inventory Review, then why are you not “uploading” the Excel Spreadsheet on the Physical Inventory Review - see highlighted in red below?

I am assuming you have the Physical Quantities on the Excel Spreadsheet that you are trying to import.

HI @jcox43 

Have you tried the Add Line?


No luck, this still only entered the first line


Attached is the import scenario, once check and let me know if it helps.


Here is the .XML file

We are trying to do our physical inventory from an excel spreadsheet import using an import scenario but for some reason my scenario will not add another line until it gets to a location with a different ID. I’ve tried changing the orders around and playing with the commit option but I’m not having any luck.


I need to use the ADD dialog box in the physical inventory review or count screen as many of our inventory lines don’t have a line at the time of PI creation.(Long explanation). 



Hi @jcox43 Could you please share the Import scenario so that we can check and correct it if any changes are needed, this will help us to import and check in the system

