I imported some assets with GL Update off, but now need to post these transaction to integrate with GL. Plus the asset is showing unreleased transactions and I can't calculate the depreciation.
I can't see any transactions to release although they are displaying as unposted. Is there any way I can correct this please?
Many thanks
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Hello @BarbaraPietersen23 ,
Where do you see Unreleased and/or Unposted fixed asset transactions?
FA Transactions with On Hold or Balanced status can be Deleted or Released in Fixed Asset Transactions screen.
FA Transactions with status Balanced can also be released in Release FA Transactions screen.
FA Transactions with Unposted status may be posted in Finance → Post Transactions screen.
If your Fixed Assets were imported with Migration Mode on (“Update GL” Un-checked in FA Preferences), I expect the related transactions cannot be posted.
You may need to Reverse the Assets, or delete them (if you can) and begin again, with ‘Update GL’ checked ON in FA Preferences.
Unfortunately, none of those options are available.
FA Error: The WL0000691 fixed asset contains unreleased transactions. Release them to continue processing the asset.
If I delete them and begin again with Update GL ON, I cannot populate the Accum. Depr, field in the Balance tab and that needs to happen because they are changing the life of the assets and I need to balance to a point in time before I change.
Thanks for your help.
Hi @BarbaraPietersen23 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!