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Our company uses the RR order type for RMA’s. 

We create the Receipt line item and the Issue line item.

Sometimes the issue line is sent before receiving. This makes it unknown if the repair is covered under warranty until after we receive the equipment back. There should always be an option to create an invoice after the evaluation is complete. However, when its covered under warranty, no invoice is needed.

The question is that all shipments are left open and waiting for the next step of prepare invoice. How do I select that no invoice is needed and close the RR order? 

You cannot close of the Shipment without it being Invoiced. What i would suggest is to edit the related Sales Order and set the Unit Price to 0 so then you can invoice the customer for zero value. You could add ‘FOC - Covered under warranty’


Thank you dcomerford for confirming.

I will adjust to make this work. 
