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I have a Customer with Auto-Apply Payments selected on the Customers screen.

I entered a new Invoice and a new Payment into the system, separately.

On the Auto Apply Payments screen, I have the Customer's Statement Cycle ID selected.

I click Process, but nothing changes on the Invoice or Payments screen (the payment is not applied).


After clicking process on Auto Apply Payments, Invoice still shows a balance:

And no Invoices were added to the Application History tab on the Payment:



It looks like the Payment needs to be Released. Then try Auto-Apply again.



Hi Laura02,

Thank you for your response!

The help says that the Payment should be in the Balanced status; however, I did test Releasing the Payment to Open status, but it still did not get applied when I went to the Auto Apply Payments screen.


hello @hbarnes45 


The payment should relased.After that the invoice will show up on application histroy tab.


Here is my local replication.

, I selected the customer profile auto- apply payment check box.



Then I created the invoice 

Then create a payment for that customer and released.




Finally, this payment was auto applied to the invoice that was created 



Thank you







I ran a quick test in Sales Demo on Version 2024 R1, Build 24.102.0053 .

The customer did not have Auto-Apply selected on at first.  Auto-Apply was selected on today, after the customer already has these documents open:

Next, I entered a Payment that is larger than the total of open documents.  The Auto-Apply Process was not needed!  As soon as I released the payment, Acumatica applied this $200,000 payment to the above open Invoices, automatically:

Payment is immediately applied to open Invoices on Release action.

It may be worthwhile to try prepayments with a different customer in your demo. 

If you do not experience the same results as me and @MuthumaliDhanushika27, please state your version, and also confirm whether the site contains any published customizations. If the site is customized, please let us know whether you can auto-apply payments with customizations temporarily un-published.



Hi Muthamali!
2 questions:
1. What status was your Payment in? Balanced or Open?
2. Did you use the Auto-Apply Payments screen?

Hello @hbarnes45 

The payment status is balanced.

I did not use the auto-apply payment screen. As soon as I release the payment, the invoice will be applied.



I am testing on my local demo with no customizations.

I can auto apply on the Payments and Applications screen ok, but it is the Auto-Apply Payments screen that isn’t working for me. Was wondering if it SHOULD work, or if it’s outdated or something?


Hi @hbarnes45 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!
