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GL633000 Transaction for Period $EndBalance adding up on new $TotalEndBalance for Report (bad)

  • 2 December 2021
  • 0 replies

I have modified the GL633000 Transaction for Period Report in Acumatica to include a Total of Report at the end, i manage to include a simple $TotalEndBalance = $TotalEndBalance + $EndBalance new variable almost at the end of the report, but I cant make the report not include the $EndBalance that belogn to transctions that were hided due to the parameter “Include Accounts with Transactions Only”. The parameter in Acumatica is call WithTran, that affects a variable $Visible, but can seem to make it work. 

Have any of the community encounter this, and has an idea to fix this problem? Total is good if the paramenter is not selected, but if you selected, pum, the $TotalEndBalance is wrong as is not reduced by the amount of $EndBalnaces that are not showing up.

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