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This formula works for the YTD Column in my Column Set.

=IIf(Left(@StartPeriod,2)='01',Left(Report.GetPeriodDescription(@StartPeriod),3)+' '+Right(@StartPeriod,4),Left(Report.GetPeriodDescription('01'+Right(@StartPeriod,4)),3)+' '+Right(@StartPeriod,4)+'-'+Left(Report.GetPeriodDescription(@StartPeriod),3)+' '+Right(@StartPeriod,4))

But it does not work for my PTD column set.

What would be the correct formula for my PTD column to display Oct 2021 - Nov 2021 when I run the report for the November period.

And, while we are at it, what would the correct formula be for the MTD column to display Nov 2021?


Mike Lupro


I opened a case with Acumatica and there was no solution offered for this question.

This question was a sub-question regarding how to create a MTD / QTD / YTD Profit and Loss statement and Acumatica said the the ARM functionality for this type of report does not exist. 
