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Hi! I made some error upon creating cash account. I have made the Accounts Receivable as cash account. Is there any workaround for this? System says that I can no longer delete the cash account and change it, as there is already GL transactions made prior to creation of Cash account. Highlighted in yellow is the wrong account entered.


HI @KC2022 

Unfortunatley, you can not delete the Cash Account with transactions attached to it. 

The only way to not use that Cash Account is to make it Inactive. Which I see you have done.

You can re-create the Cash Account with the correct GL account. 


In addition to what KBeatty mentioned, I have a few questions & suggestions.

Is there a balance in the AR that belongs in Cash?  Is there a balance in AR that belongs in AR mixed in with Cash entries?  Do you  want to fix AR in the Chart of accounts so that AR is not forever identified as a CASH account on the Chart of Accounts going forward?  If yes to these questions, I have a few recommendations.

  1. Set up a new correct cash account in the Chart of Accounts. (Maybe the correct cash account is already in the COA.)
  2. Set up a new AR account to replace 1102010000 that was set up as a cash account.
  3. Reclassify any cash receipts or payments that went to the AR account by mistake, to a real cash account where they belong. Reclassify will automatically move transactions while posting adjustments to the correct periods.  (The system will allow us to Reclassify some transactions, but not all. If you can’t use Reclassify - use GL to move any transactions or amounts that are in the wrong place because of the mistake.)
  4. Reclassify remaining AR amounts/transactions out of the “Cash” AR account 1102010000 to a new replacement AR account.
  5. Disable the old AR account in the chart of accounts.
  6. Renumber the ‘bad’ AR Cash account to 99999xxx ‘Do Not Use’ so it moves to the bottom of the Chart of Accounts.

I was hoping there is undo action on this matter, as I  still need to use the account for AR Aging purposes. This account were used since 2016 the year we started to use the system. There are outstanding balances on this account that are not yet closed. 


I was hoping there is undo action on this matter, as I  still need to use the account for AR Aging purposes. This account were used since 2016 the year we started to use the system. There are outstanding balances on this account that are not yet closed. 


Hi @KC2022 

Unfortunately, there is not an undo action. You can still leave it open, you will however need to be mindful of what accounts you are using. 

@laura01 It so happened that upon creating cash account using the AR account, there is already GL transactions made. All these transactions pertain only to AR account not to Cash and made in Receivable module. See below transactions. 


@kbeatty21 I thought system admins and Acumatica Experts will still able to fix this issue. Anyway, thank you so much for your help. 

@kbeatty21 I thought system admins and Acumatica Experts will still able to fix this issue. Anyway, thank you so much for your help. 

It would be messy to try to delete the Cash Account from the backend. It would require many tables to be touched and that is not suggested at all. 

@kbeatty21 If it still possible to delete, I might continue with it. As I have said, this account were used since 2016 and there are multiple transactions made with it that still open. If we were still new with the system, I might consider creating new account for AR as suggested by @laura01. But, this was used several years already. There were transactions and reports affected because I have mistakenly add AR as cash account. I cannot sleep nor eat because of this. 😭

@KC2022 ,

It seems like you caught the problem before the cash transactions were mixed up together with AR.  Good job!

I’m concerned you are stressed out, not eating, losing sleep: there is nothing life-threatening to worry about in accounting!  In accounting, we make errors, we adjust, life goes on.

Consider trying this procedure in a copy of your tenant.  If it works you can try it in Live/Production:

  1. Create new AR account, such as 1102010001.
  2. Use Reclassify feature to move ALL historical transactions from old AR account to new AR account. Reclassify will automatically move transactions while posting adjustments to the correct periods. 
  3. Renumber old AR account to 99999xxx ‘Do Not Use’ so it moves to the bottom of the Chart of Accounts. Inactivate it.
  4. Renumber new AR account 11020001, created in step 1, to 1102010000. (Thus keeping the AR account number that you like and have used for several years.

Good luck!


@laura01 I really appreciate your reply on this matter. However, once I reclassify all the transactions it will just create new journal transactions to the newly created AR Account. And these adjustments will not be shown on the Account Receivable Aged Period Sensitive as adjustments were only made in GL module. Also, all previous transactions that were made using this old AR account can no longer be reverse and apply any payments or adjustments, as transactions still call the previous AR account used.


See sample below, I am creating reversal entry on the credit memo made before the creation of AR as cash account.


Reversal of credit memo transaction made prior to creation of AR as cash account


Need this report for checking the outstanding invoices and debit memos.


I see.  It is possible to remove AR control from Chart of Accounts (temporarily?).  Perhaps a ticket with Acumatica support could help you.

I see.  It is possible to remove AR control from Chart of Accounts (temporarily?).  Perhaps a ticket with Acumatica support could help you.

@laura01 I am hoping they will able to support me on this matter. I am literally stressed out because of this. But, you and @kbeatty21 make me feel better because of your replies. I have already raised this case to support portal and hoping for a positive response. 

One last question, have you guys tried to make cash account as an AR control account? 

No, I avoid making Cash an AR Control account. I avoid making AR a Cash Account.😉

Try not to worry, try to be patient.  This problem will be solved by Acumatica support!
