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Bank Rec & Trial Balance Summary OFF

  • 13 May 2024
  • 1 reply

How to use cash account details to find discrepancy in between Bank Rec & Trial Balance Summary ending balance.


My Bank Rec cash account balance & Trial Balance Summary ending balance have not been matching for a couple of months and can not seems to find the discrepancy, I saw a article saying the cash account details can help but I’m not sure how or what i should be looking for.

any help would be appreciated!

Thank you, 

1 reply

Badge +18

Hello @salvarado23 ,

Did you already run the Recalculate Account Balances process in Banking module?

To identify errant cash entries:  Select the Cash Account, select a range of dates where the difference likely occurred, and search for a transaction whose Amount matches your difference. Also try looking for entries that originated outside the “normal” cash entry modules.

