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We have an approver map set up, but we’re finding several one-off exceptions to the rules we have built. Is there really no way in Acumatica to just direct a bill to a specific user for approval? Perhaps a customization, has anyone done this before? 

Have you tried the new Approval Delegation feature that rolled out in 2023 R1?  This would allow you to send the “one-off” scenarios to a new approver.

Our ap bill approval routing seemed like it was going to be complicated, and sometimes we just wanted send it to a specific person, in a one-off situation.  We found we just route it to the document owner, and it is pretty simple.  The Ap clerk just selects who to send it to by entering the approved in the owner field.  (Financial tab?)I don’t remember what the exact field name is in the approval rule, but it’s been a surprisingly simple way to handle it for us.   Don’t know if your situation will work like that.  

Hi, in the Bill page you can create a User Defined Field using attributes with control type Selector and choose PX.Objects.EP.EPEmployee as scheme object. What this means is you will need to select employee/approver you like to route the Bill to. Then create approval map and use the attribute in the map Condition - that is, when employee A is selected in Bill attribute, the approval goes to employee A, if employee B is selected, goes to employee B, and so on.

Hope this helps.

Are there data fields on the bill that can be used to identify it as an exception to determine the routing for approval?

I am thinking there might be a way to test the different data points to direct the approval to an individual



