During a standard PO return. The item was selected from the Purchase Order Receipt (POR) - The vendor is clearly listed on the PO and should be in bedded within the PO. However, during the process, a new vendor name popped in and was not discovered until it was Released. The POR has the correct vendor, the PO has the correct vendor - but the Return has a different vendor. How is the even possible? Any suggestion on how that could happen, or what setting would cause it to happen. Could timing out and logging back in cause the error? Thank you for your assistance.
Yes. It was linked correctly see all the headers below. All the other POR’s had the correct Vendor listed. The return was linked in the file correctly. The other Returns where to the correct vendor.

The 018462 - Is the POR, and 018958 is the Return. The 018958

Not sure how that can even happen. Any suggestion?
Thanks! Cheryl
Is Vendor Relations feature turned on in Enable/Disable? Could the second vendor have come from a Supplied-by- or a Pay-to Vendor setting on one of the related documents? Please check the Vendor Info tab of the Purchase order to see whether the same vendor is listed in the Pay To Vendor field:

I agree vendor on a return should match the original vendor (the help indicates it’s the AP document that will have a different vendor pay-to), but wondering if the above feature could be involved in your problem.
Customizations may also be considered and/or eliminated as a possible cause.
Did you try copying a snapshot to test and seeing whether the problem can be reproduced by receiving/returning again?
We had other returns and multiple POR attached to the PO and they all have Carr listed as the vendor.

The Pay-to-Vendor is correct. This is the only time this has happened. Not something I would have noticed at first glance - because I would expect it to automatically match as it is a non-editable field. Thank you for all your help. Cheryl
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