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Accurate AR Aging Report

  • 18 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Good morning,

I am curious if there is already a report in Acumatica available that would show me an accurate AR aging for customers.

I currently utilize the AR Aging Period - Sensitive report...but that will give me customers that still have open orders on their account, thus creating a “credit” on their accounts on the report.


I would like to see a report that just shows invoiced customers there already a report available or have you found that you need to customize a report? 


I think you are saying that customers with pre-paid sales orders are showing the Prepayments as negative amounts on the Aging report.  You are looking for an AR Aging that excludes Prepayments.

Please try adding the following Additional Filtering Conditions, to exclude both Payments and Prepayments from AR Aged Peirod-Sensisitve report.

Once you have verified that the above filter meets your needs, you may Save the above filtered report as a Template. Once saved as a template, Exclude Prepayments template may be selected at the top of the screen each time you need to exclude Payments/Prepayments. To share the template with all staff members, select “Shared” and re-save.




I think you are saying that customers with pre-paid sales orders are showing the Prepayments as negative amounts on the Aging report.  You are looking for an AR Aging that excludes Prepayments.

Please try adding the following Additional Filtering Conditions, to exclude both Payments and Prepayments from AR Aged Peirod-Sensisitve report.

Once you have verified that the above filter meets your needs, you may Save the above filtered report as a Template. Once saved as a template, Exclude Prepayments template may be selected at the top of the screen each time you need to exclude Payments/Prepayments. To share the template with all staff members, select “Shared” and re-save.



Hey Laura,

Thank you for getting back to me.  That is close to what I am looking for.

However, I dont mind seeing accounts that have payments/prepayments on them, as long as the orders are completed in Acumatica.  That would indicate to me that a credit is legit on their account and I’ll have to see if we are refunding the customer. 

This report I ran with the criteria looks like it would only pull in accounts with CREDIT MEMOs available...which is getting me somewhere for sure, just not the whole way.

Any suggestions?


Please try using only the first line of the example filter above.  With only the first filter, the Aging will include Payments with a balance and exclude Prepayments.



Please try using only the first line of the example filter above.  With only the first filter, the Aging will include Payments with a balance and exclude Prepayments.


Another step closer, that does help.

However, we do have instances that a customer could have a prepayment on their account (our credit card payers online come in as prepayments)...then if we end up cancelling an item on their order, the money should be available to refund and their orders would be in Complete status.

I dont see any filter labels on the AR Aging that would indicate to look at Sales I assume the ultimate goal wouldnt be able to occur without some sort of customization.

My end goal is to just get a clean and accurate AR aging report to truly reflects credits that are available and not just money sitting on customer’s accounts regardless of order status.

Hi @rfrantz were you able to find a solution? Thank you!


Correct, Orders do not post to GL and therefore are not part of the Aging reports until an invoice or a payment is produced by the Sales Order.

A correct (clean and accurate) Accounts Receivable Aging report is expected to match the Receivables balance in your General ledger and includes open payments, open invoices, and open credits.

The status of a pending Sales Order is not relevant to the GL/AR receivables balance (yet).

If you need a report that considers sales order status when reporting a customer’s balance, yes, a custom report will be needed.



