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Collect Prepayments for Service Orders connected to a service contract

  • 12 February 2024
  • 3 replies



We need to get an advance payment from the customer for the items that are not covered by the service contract. But when I select the service contract on the service order it disappeared the prepayments tab. 

I tried to connect the service order on the payments and application form but we cannot create a prepayment and connect service orders only a prepayment can be connected if coming from the service order. 

Is there any way I can collect prepayments for the service orders connected to a service contract?


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Prepayment are only allowed if the Generated Billing Document on the Order Type is Sales Order or Sales Invoice


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Apologies i knew it did not apply based on the Invoice Type but it also is not allowed with Service Contracts. see help below

This tab appears on the form only if a service order type that generates SO documents—that is, a service order type for which the Sales Orders or SO Invoices option is selected in the Generated Billing Documents box on the Service Order Types (FS202300) form—is selected on the current form, and the service order is not associated with a standardized billing service contract in the Service Contract box in the Summary area of this form.

Userlevel 3

Hi @dcomerford 

I have selected SO Invoices as the billing document of the service order type. 

But the issue is the prepayment tab disappears when we select the service contract on the service order. 

Before selecting the contract 


