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Just curious to see if anybody started to use Acumatica Survey from Github? If so how has your experience been so far? If you haven’t why not? If you like to learn more ask a question here.

In case you are not familiar with what this is and where to get, here you go:

I loaded it up on my Dev instance this morning to check it out.  The time to get around to it is all about priorities, and the driver that would see value in it simply hasn’t been high enough on the priority list to get to it until now.  That said, I already have started a push to consider using it to improve a number of our COP mandated audits.

My sample was in building a Site Safety Audit which guides the respondent through a series of focal points to be visually inspected when a final catch-all “Comments” box at the end for freeform feedback.  By completing the safety audit via the survey, the activity can be streamlined.

One concern is managing the selection lists, but I suppose we can just disable old selection options in the attribute as we decide to stop offering an option for response.  (i.e. got too detailed or too vague in the response we asked on a multi-select)

Overall, I like it.  I’m not  a fan of all my user selected values for a question showing up in 1 cell on the Excel export, but that’s the nature of an attribute.  I’m considering use of this project for periodic audits, employee training “tests”, employee feedback, and customer feedback.


Sample except from Safety Audit (bogus data - selected tons of things just to see how that would look when I review responses.)


@brianstevens48 awesome, glad you tested with real examples (never tested of adding more attribute values) thanks for sharing the screenshot.
Please let us know if you have plans rolling out surveys to your employees and if you want to actively provide us feedback, then we can have Acumatica Survey team follow up and assist.

A new version will be rolled out end of the month with few scheduling features and few enhancements too, for our upcoming next version the team is considering to add some exciting features as well.

Please reach out to Mark Franks <> and he would walk through this program.

Thanks for your feedback. 

Surveys / Attributes - Giving a little thought about how surveys rely on attributes, and it seems like I could end up creating "N times" more survey attributes than we use for our normal course of business attributes...  Wondering if anyone would see value in possibly having a way to categorize attributes to enable an attribute by module.  For instance, if I want to build a set of complete set of attributes regarding inventory specification (RPM, HP, etc.) and a set of vendor specification (Minority/Equal Partner/SBA, Clabe #, etc.) and a set of survey attributes, it would be nice if I could simply view module related attributes instead of digging through them all when I add new item/vendor/etc. classes.  Prefixing with the module could help, but I like to limit the results of data to reduce user error in use.  Honestly, I'd like to leverage surveys extensively in my long range planning, but the forest of attributes that would be necessary makes me uneasy when I think of the users managing non-survey uses.  Thoughts?

Some of my possible uses of surveys include:

  • Customer feedback (generic),
  • Service level surveys by area (satisfaction),
  • Operational Audits (Workplace Safety and 5S, Quality/SOP Audits, Record Keeping on Compliance of staff meeting topics -i.e. Tornado/Fire response)
  • Employee Training Verification (testing) - i.e. Policies and Procedures, System Training, etc.
  • Recording Equipment Audits (Safety Inspection of Fork Trucks, etc.)
  • Service records (Generator Maintenance, etc.)
  • Employee Feedback (Continuous Improvement)

Also, is there a way to make a survey something the user can opt-in to take?  Employee Feedback and customer feedback for users on our system directly should be able to provide multiple survey responses for general feedback at any time.  I don’t see how to do that, but I may have overlooked it.  Common example is the feedback form you might have on your table at a restaurant or a “thank a nurse” form you might have at a hospital.  The user opts to pick up a card and provide feedback, and they are not limited to a single response in case they have multiple instances justifying feedback.

Also… could we have a feature to enable soliciting feedback about objects inside of Acumatica ERP?  For instance, I’d like a maintenance worker to be able to provide feedback about a part that he got from the storeroom for a repair so that that issues with form, fit, and function can be given and attached directly to the item for review by the inventory managers.  Similarly, a buyer might attach feedback about a vendor.  Activities don’t seem like the right fit, and I’d like to enable the end user to provide feedback where they may not have typical access to other areas like activities.  Perhaps the feedback via surveys would attach as an activity.  Just a start at brainstorming.

Derrick Elledge is definitely using it. He talked about it in this podcast episode:

Also… could we have a feature to enable soliciting feedback about objects inside of Acumatica ERP?  For instance, I’d like a maintenance worker to be able to provide feedback about a part that he got from the storeroom for a repair so that that issues with form, fit, and function can be given and attached directly to the item for review by the inventory managers.  Similarly, a buyer might attach feedback about a vendor.  Activities don’t seem like the right fit, and I’d like to enable the end user to provide feedback where they may not have typical access to other areas like activities.  Perhaps the feedback via surveys would attach as an activity.  Just a start at brainstorming.

@brianstevens the Survey team is collaborating for Phase 3 of Acumatica Surveys and one of the key feature being planned is ability to expose survey beyond employees (internal users) and introduce or expose the survey screens to external entities and/or to other screen entities, which will then allow us to have surveys tied to Support case, Projects, Sales Invoice, Employees and other screens and have them take the survey when they like and either have an expiration policy set or never expire, there are lots of possibilities this will open up … 

Your suggestions is well received and I will make a note of the above feature request and brainstorm with the team and keep you posted. Meanwhile if you have already started to use Surveys we would like to follow up with a zoom call and brainstorm further with our team.

Great!  We are not using it yet, but the proof of concept presented at our last management meeting was well-received.  I suspect the Phase 3 changes will make it more practical for us, especially if we can use it to capture unsolicited feedback from the maintenance team for specific items.  I may be trying to bend the concept too far for a traditional survey, but it seems like a good fit for a user feedback loop on inventory parts quality which today is very manual and easily forgotten.

Hey @brianstevens - perhaps you should join the Surveys Team - great feedback!  :-)

Hey @brianstevens - perhaps you should join the Surveys Team - great feedback!  :-)

I’m open to that idea.

@hsarjapur You mentioned the Survey team is collaborating for Phase 3.  Can you share what features are being considered and the schedule for release?  I’m interested in learning if functionality will be provided to allow surveys to be completed by service techs upon completion of appointments in Field Services Edition.

@hsarjapur You mentioned the Survey team is collaborating for Phase 3.  Can you share what features are being considered and the schedule for release?  I’m interested in learning if functionality will be provided to allow surveys to be completed by service techs upon completion of appointments in Field Services Edition.

Hi @JohnBeiler61, appreciate the question. The new version will be announced at the Acumatica Summit this month Jul 19th, if your attending the Summit next week, pls do join us for first glimpse of this new version. 

“Acumatica Surveys Community Project  - 4:30 PM-5:20 PM


Learn about our ongoing Acumatica Surveys Community project – jointly developed by our developer MVPs and Acumatica Developers. We’ll share our development journey through 3 phases of development – the challenges we faced and how we worked together to solve them.”

One of the key features in this upcoming version being able to send surveys based on transactional document such as sales order, support cases, shipments or field service appointments. If your interested can sign you up for beta V3, starting next week right after the summit. 


@hsarjapur Fantastic, I’ll be there!

Can someone verify what Acumatica version Acumatica Surveys is compatible with? I have a client on 21 R2 that is interested in using this and wants to test in their sandbox first. Looking at GitHub, it looks like 20 R2 may be the latest.

We will have new builds geared towards 2021 R2 and 2022 R1 by end of Apr, so will keep you all posted shortly. 

We will open this up for beta so customers and partners can join and start to use this community plugin. 

Also, curious to know what types of survey your customer wants to use it for? That would help us to test the scenario when we are ready to release. 


@hsarjapur Our client would like to collect data about their customers in a survey format to better crunch the data and have actionable items. The customer service reps would need to have the survey open on their screen and be filling it out while on the phone with their customers. The dashboard on this is pretty neat. It would also be great if at some point this tool isn’t limited to Acumatica users filling out the surveys and a link could be sent to the customers to have them fill it out as well.

@hayleehicks18 - We can certainly collect such data in survey format from internal users of Acumatica, in Version 1.0 we had couple of customer collect data related to COVID.

In the new version 2.0, we can also send the survey link out to Customers or end-users and collect the survey data Eg: Support ticket gets closed status, an email can be sent with link to survey for customers to respond regd their support ticket and collect the response without having to be logged into Acumatica  via Webhooks integration. 

We will post few video scenarios how the surveys can be used shortly, stay tuned… 

We will have new builds geared towards 2021 R2 and 2022 R1 by end of Apr, so will keep you all posted shortly. 

We will open this up for beta so customers and partners can join and start to use this community plugin. 

Also, curious to know what types of survey your customer wants to use it for? That would help us to test the scenario when we are ready to release. 


For us we would like to use the survey’s for vendors to renew their license and insurance information, which we would tie the information back to the vendors record in Acumatica.

I see AcumaticaSurveys21R2 v3.2.2 was posted in GitHub on Oct 5 but don’t see any documentation describing new features.  Please advise.

Bump - Any chance we can get an update on this project? and if you have plans to support it into 22 and 23 versions?


