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We created a system email account for the user.

We assigned it to the user on the Email Accounts Screen as shown.


The reply address was populated as well on this screen.

When I log in as this user, and email a sales order, PO, etc.  the email says it is from the default email account in email preferences.  We want it to say it was emailed from this user’s email address.


Hi @ltussing03 

Please update the Email account ID in the email template, As soon you send the email it will come from notification template.

It wants me to select a specific email account.  I want it to use the email account of whoever is sending the document.


Hi @ltussing03 

Here is a thread that may help you:

Thanks for the info!

This was the resolution.  I did nothing with email templates.

Set the “personal account for” in the first image I used in this thread.

The piece that I was missing was:

Log in as user

Select My Profile by clicking your name in the upper right of the screen.

Populate the Default Email Address on the profile

I made no other changes.

I emailed a Sales Order and a PO and both correctly had the “FROM” email address set to the user who I was logged in as.


Thanks for the help everyone!

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @ltussing03!
