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Missing rows from Generic Inquiry based on line items from Invoice

  • 12 July 2024
  • 7 replies

Hello everyone,

Hoping to get some clarification on the configuration of a GI (file attached), that will allow me to show each line item of an invoice and not group them together.  Also attaching screenshots to show.  Everything on the line items in the Invoice matches exactly for the Item in question.  Customer bought 2 of the same thing twice instead of just buying 4 for whatever reason.  I’m just hoping to get this GI to be able to show that, when this occurs.



GI Result:


@bigred1022 Can you please export your GI and share it here.

I’m sorry, I thought it saved.  Here it is.  

@bigred1022  I’m not able to import this GI and getting below error.

Which version you are working on ?



@Naveen Boga 


Acumatica Cloud ERP 2023 R2
Build 23.208.0026 +

Hi @bigred1022 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett, unfortunately not yet.

HI @bigred1022 


Have you got any sort of grouping on the GI? This could be causing the issue.

the UnitPrice/Cost would be the cause of the issue.

It sees the same Ref Nbr, Same Unit Cost, Same Unit Price and assumes you want to group it.


Please unmark those groupings and have another look, alternatively if you are getting duplication, you should investigate as to why, or to negate the effect, group by Key Fields e.g., DocType, RefNbr & LineNbr for ARTran.


Hope this helps.

