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I am looking to see if anyone else has explored or built a solution for the following idea. When working on enhancements and customizations for altering how we use a certain field or what values we use, I would like to have the ability to find all processes and screens where that field is used.

Example use case: we are working on reducing the number of sales order types we use and introducing a new sales order type as part of a process improvement project. I know that we use the sales order type in many processes to determine the type of order and actions needed to be taken. I don’t want to miss any of the GIs or business events dependent on the sales order type - and I would rather catch this before testing every process in the system.

My current idea is to create a GI for each process and search all the DAC fields that could reference a table or a field in that process configuration. So, in the dependency check for GIs, I will have a GI for the tables, relations, conditions, parameters, results, and navigation DAC’s for the field or table to search for any use of the field (sales order type in my example). Then build a similar GI for import scenarios, business events, etc., and pull them all together on a dashboard to search all GIs with a parameter.

Has anyone else tried this?


(Also, on this topic please upvote this idea to be able to search Report Designer reports Report Designer - Searching for tables and fields used within the report | Community (

@acheesman this might be up your alley. Have you built or explored searching for fields used in GIs and other screens like import scenarios?

Found a solution for the Printed reports part.

select top 1000 *
from UserReport
where CompanyID = 2
and (Xml like '%soline%'
or Xml like '%soorder%')
and IsActive = 1

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @jwright!
