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I run a report for our sales team every week that includes the following:


The problem with this report is that the column “OrderStatus” gives me that status of the sales order, when i really need the status of the sales order line. 


Ex: The sales order has 5 lines on it, 4 of the 5 lines are shipping but the one that is not shipping shows up on the report with a status of “shipping” because the status of the sales order is shipping but the line is not. 


Is there anyway to get a line status put in there?

@stacy16 if you shared a screenshot of the Related Tables Tab and the Results Grid tab of the generic inquiry we might be able to add some additional details on how to do it for your GI specifically but the short answer is yes you can is a few different ways.

One way would be to look at the SOLine qty fields for open qty, qty on shipments, qty invoiced, and with a formula and calculate the open/shipped/invoiced lines

Another option would be to add just a simple condition looking at SOLine Open qty greater than 0

I will point out that some of these fields are dependant on if a shipment is still not yet completed. 



@stacy16, As suggested by @ccleary We can able to know whether the Sales Order line is completely shipped or not from SOLine table by using these fields (OrderQty, OpenQty, and ShippedQty). Please find the screenshot for reference.



@Naveen B I was doing that before but found that it confused the sales people. i was hoping that there was an actual status by line in the system but that is okay. I will just have to add the formula like @ccleary mentioned and hide the columns so they only see the status. 

Thank you both for the help! :)



@stacy16 you could get a little creative and use a formula 


iff(equals(openqty > 0), ‘Open’, ‘Complete’)


Some variation of the above might make it a more user friendly field result!

@ccleary That is exactly what i did :)

Thank you so much :)
