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We have discount codes setup and assigned for all our items using item price class and customer price class and discounts are being applied properly in the SO document.

However we also have special net customer prices setup for certain customers and items and in this case the price class discount is applied on top of the customer price we setup in sales prices.

When a customer price is setup should this not be the final price and no other discounts applied?

Hi @laurac Please try to create a Discount Code for the Customer Price class and add the price classes to the Discounts screen as below. Kindly let me know if this works for your.




Sure I would like to participate.


I am available if you are interested. We are on 2021 R2.  We are on the Commerce Edition with Big Commerce.  We have been live for about one and one-half years.  We continue to struggle to get our discounts set up and working. 

Hi @john25 The customer prices plus the applicable discount codes should be added to the sales order.



We have an upcoming improvement planned targeted to a future release that will permit you to configure and exclude discounts in Prices and Price Worksheets for automatic discounts:

  • promotional price can be excluded from line discounts (default setting is to exclude from discounts)
  • non promotional price can be excluded from line discounts (default setting is to not exclude from discounts)


Hi @john25,

I am the ERP Product Manager - Product Success here at Acumatica. 

We are going to be conducting user research about the Discounts topic.  We are reaching out to our user community to interview users that are actively using Discounts.  Would you like to participate?


Hi @

Is there a way to set the discounts as follows:-

if Customer has a price class apply only this and not both discount and price list discount?

One setting that was helpful in the AR Preferences/Price Discount Settings is the Apply Line Discounts.


I tried that but it didn’t work unfortunately.
