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Hi all,

So I noticed that when creating a PO with multiple line items with the same inventory ID, when the PO is printed the system sums all of the lines together and only prints out one line item with the aggregated total qty. Our hope was to create a PO with multiple lines that correspond to requested on dates which you can change on the line level. We are trying to avoid having to cut a PO for each day and just have one PO with the different requested on dates at the line level. 

Wanted your thoughts on if this is possible.



I have done this in two ways, first the method where I remove the grouping and move fields to the detail line changing the sum functions.   I have also done this by adding the POLine.LineNbr to the groupPOLine.  I do not change anything the report sections. The second option is the quickest to deploy. 



You will need to remove groupPOLine from the Groups Collection.

Next, move the fields from “groupHeaderSection2 (Header of groupPOLine)” to “detailSection1”

Remove the sum function from QTY and Extended Price.

After you’ve made those changes, it will not group POLine by inventory ID.

If you still need some help, I can share some screenshots.

Good progress. You might also want to check in the Schema Builder - Sorting and Grouping tab for the Grouping. You might have removed the sum of the price but still the lines might be grouped by Inventory Item.

…. I should have thought about that. That was it!  Thanks Raj. (and Donna)

I am running into an Issue that is similar. 
But the Grouping Edits do not help. 
Would you mind sharing the Grouping Tab in the Schema Builder?

Good progress. You might also want to check in the Schema Builder - Sorting and Grouping tab for the Grouping. You might have removed the sum of the price but still the lines might be grouped by Inventory Item.

…. I should have thought about that. That was it!  Thanks Raj. (and Donna)

Good progress. You might also want to check in the Schema Builder - Sorting and Grouping tab for the Grouping. You might have removed the sum of the price but still the lines might be grouped by Inventory Item.

Thanks to you both. I have removed the Sum and added the Promise Date but for whatever reason it is only listing the first line item, but it does show the line comments for all 3 lines. The qty on the one line item is now correct though and shows only the first line qty and not the sum of all lines. So making progress.



So, would you want the report to print all the lines separately but on the same printed form? That would requiring modifying the Purchase Order report PO641000 (the printed form) and obviously would require adding a column for the Requested On date as well which does not exist in the default printed version.

Hi @byates,

The  out of the box version of the PO report sums the PO line quantities to create one line per inventory item. You can change that by removing the “Sum” in the Value field:


It should then print each line individually. 
