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My client would be sending several items to an outside processing center, on a purchase order/transfer, that would be assembling them in a kit, and then the client wants to receive the kit back into inventory.

I liked Outside processing without manufacturing mode, except for it didn’t provide a solution for how to receive the processed item in as a separate part number, and I also need to assemble the kit, which I feel a business event could handle on receipt of the kit item number.

Hi @bethgrant20 


Do you have access to the Kit Assembly screen?


If you do, the PO can be raised as a service PO and the kits can be assembled upon receipt of the PO manually?


Alternatively, addressing your second point, you could set up a business event to create an ‘Issue’ document which would consume the base stock of the kit upon the receipt of a purchase order containing the complete kit to ensure the current stock is correct, and the financial side of things is balanced too.

If you feel like this is the option that you would like to go for, let me know and I will try to provide a more detailed walkthrough.


Hope this helps!


Hi Aleks,

I like the second option, the client wants to track the inventory as being offsite -ie separate location.

I would really like to see a more detailed walk through if possible.

Thank you

Hi @bethgrant20 


Just had a quick go and remembered how much of a pain business events to import scenarios are…

Better off running an automation schedule once a day based on a GI that an import scenario runs from.

Something like the below should work:

Make a GI based on POReceipt & POReceiptLine, Inner Join on ReceiptNbr and ReceiptType.

ensure all key fields are there.

I have attached a GI and Import Scenario to this post, the IS does not work for me due to some Unit Conversion errors, let me know if you experience the same thing.


Hope this helps/gives you a start!

