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Hi, I’m trying to add the Add Stocked Item popup to the mobile sales order (SO301000). I had success add the list of items (InventoryLookup), however I want to add the filters and its not working.

I’m trying to follow the documentation 



update screen SO301000 {
update container "OrderSummary" {
add recordAction "AddInvBySite" {
behavior = Void
redirect = True
redirectToContainer = "InventoryLookup$List$InventoryLookupInventory"

add container "InventoryLookup" {
visible = False
fieldsToShow = 6
listActionsToExpand = 2
formActionsToExpand = 3
containerActionsToExpand = 2
type =SelectionActionList

add field "InventoryIDInventoryCD"

add field "QtySelected"
add field "Description"
add field "Warehouse"
add field "SalesUnit"
add field "QtyAvailable"{
add field "QtyOnHand"

add listAction "AddInvSelBySite" {
icon = "system://Check"
behavior = Void

add container "InventoryLookupInventory" {
add field "BarCode"
add field "OnlyAvailable"
add field "Inventory"
add field "DisplayName"

What am I doing wrong?


I think you can find more details about mapping popup/smart panels on Acumatica Mobile App on this help article created by @brianstevens below:

Hi @yisroel39 ,

I don’t know if you have resolved your question but I have the code to expose the Item Lookup of the SO in the mobile and I have added the scanner button within the barcode field of the parameters so barcodes could be readed and applied to item filters:

update screen SO301000 {
  update container "OrderSummary" {
    formActionsToExpand = 3
    add recordAction "AddInvBySite" {
      displayName = "Add Stock Item"
      redirect = true
      redirectToDialog  = "SO301000D1"
  add dialog SO301000D1 {
    type = FilterListScreen
    openAs = List
    add dialogAction "Ok" {
      DisplayName = "Add&Close"
      DialogResult = "OK"
      closeDialog = true
    add dialogAction "Cancel" {
      DisplayName = "Cancel"
      DialogResult = "Cancel"
      closeDialog = true
    add dialogAction "AddInvSelBySite"
      DisplayName = "Add"
      closeDialog = false
    add container "InventoryLookupInventory"
      add field "Inventory"
      add field "BarCode" {
      special = BarCodeScan
      add field "ItemClass"
      add field "HistoryDate"    
    add container "Filter" {
    type = SelectionActionList
    includeDialogActions = true
       add field "Filter"
    add container "InventoryLookup"{
      type = SelectionActionList
      includeDialogActions = true
      add field "QtySelected"
      add field "Selected" {
        special = "ListSelection"
      add field "InventoryIDInventoryCD"
      add field "Warehouse"
      add listAction "AddInvSelBySite" {
        DisplayName = "Add"
      add containerAction "Cancel" {
        displayName = "Cancel"
      add listAction "Ok"
        DisplayName = "Add&Close"
        after = Close

The only thing missing is to apply the filter of the grid:


Does anybody knows if it’s a container? I couln’t find it in the schema.

