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Can someone confirm if this is the correct QtyOnHand calculation? 

We encounter the following scenario frequently and it seems like a bug.

When a shipment is invoiced and the invoice is created with the “Credit Hold” status because of the customer payment terms, the stock item from the shipment still shows On Hand at the origin warehouse of the shipment until the Invoice is Released.

I’m not understanding it what scenario a company would want to report already shipped inventory as still at the origin warehouse, just because the invoice has the Credit Hold status. 

What am I missing here?

Hi @MichaelShirk 

What are your availability calculation rules setup for the item?

Two things to look for here:

Availability Calculation Rules, is the Deduct qty on Shipped checked?


SO Preferences, are you releasing IN docs automatically?


@Kandy Beatty  Yes to both. The question is specifically about the Qty On Hand. 

We manufacture and sell backyard sheds, so serialized items. We build for inventory, as well as custom orders. We’re attempting to use out-of-the-box calculations to determine if an item is sold or unsold for inventory reporting purposes. 
The sheds that are built for inventory, are allocated to an RO (Replenishment) type order for shipping out to dealer locations. The SO order type is obviously used for customer orders.

The trick here is that we cannot use “availability” to calculate if an item is “Unsold” because as far as I can tell, availability calculation rules do not take Order Type into account. 
An item that is allocated to an RO type order is available for sale because the RO simply holds an inventory item for shipment to a sales location, while items allocated to an SO type order are unavailable, for example.

Currently, the way we handle it is as follows. (Serialized, unique inventory, so everything is a qty of 1.)
If Qty On Hand = 1, and the item does NOT have an open allocation to an SO type order, then it’s Unsold, otherwise, it’s Sold.

This works fine, except in the scenario mentioned in my original post.
If an item is added and allocated to an SO type order, it will show sold. 
However, when the item is then shipped to the customer, the SO allocation shows completed, but if the invoice created by the shipment has the “Credit Hold” status, the item will still show “On Hand” at the origin warehouse. Because the SO allocation was completed when the shipment was created, the item now shows up as “Unsold”.

Hi @MichaelShirk were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

@MichaelShirk Typically in the Sales Order side of thing the Inventory doesn’t update until the Invoice is released.  But you can manually release the inventory if you select the “Update IN” option from the “...” menu on the shipment itself.
