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Is there a way to clear out Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) screen without creating a PO ? 


Hi @yisroel39,

If Create Purchase Orders is showing Sales Order lines that are marked for PO, then you have to uncheck this from the Sales Order.

If the demand you see was generated from the Prepare Replenishment screen, then there is no way that I know of to clear this other than creating the purchase orders. If you have a very large number of POs pending you could also clear the relevant item plans from the database via SQL: 

DELETE INItemPlan WHERE PlanType='90'

You must run “Validate Inventory” (IN505000) after this query.

Hi @yisroel39,

If Create Purchase Orders is showing Sales Order lines that are marked for PO, then you have to uncheck this from the Sales Order.

If the demand you see was generated from the Prepare Replenishment screen, then there is no way that I know of to clear this other than creating the purchase orders. If you have a very large number of POs pending you could also clear the relevant item plans from the database via SQL: 

DELETE INItemPlan WHERE PlanType='90'

You must run “Validate Inventory” (IN505000) after this query.

In this case, you can select these items in the Prepare Replenishment screen with Qty to Process = 0


In this case, you can select these items in the Prepare Replenishment screen with Qty to Process = 0


Thank you! I used this method.

I have had random items that show needing ordered but don’t. I cleared them by opening the Inventory Replenishment and remove filters to show all items. I then filter to the items that keep showing up on the Create PO Screen. Select the row, put 0 in the Qty to Process column and then click Process.

Does anyone know how to clear a line off the Create Purchase Orders screen when its an SO to Purchase Plan Type? It looks like the order has been deleted as it doesn’t reference an order the mark for PO box can be cleared from. I recalculated inventory from the period the requested on date falls in, and that didn’t clear it. Thanks!

Does anyone know how to clear a line off the Create Purchase Orders screen when its an SO to Purchase Plan Type? It looks like the order has been deleted as it doesn’t reference an order the mark for PO box can be cleared from. I recalculated inventory from the period the requested on date falls in, and that didn’t clear it. Thanks!

Update it to a PO and then delete the PO. 

Hi @amajors! The line on the Create PO screen has qty zero. It will not let me create a PO to then delete. Any other ideas?

Hi @amajors! The line on the Create PO screen has qty zero. It will not let me create a PO to then delete. Any other ideas?

I know I’ve had a similar experience before. I believe that I either reported it as an issue that was cleared up by Acumatica or I created a dummy order, created the PO, canceled the order and canceled the PO. Sorry I can’t recall exactly which way it was handled.
