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Approva Map Basics

  • 24 May 2024
  • 3 replies

Can’t get approval map to do what I want and it is the most simple example possible - need help.


If requisition is created by JBROWNE, approval required from MENGLISH.

If requisition is created by anyone except JBROWNE (and $ > 0), approval required from PURCHASING.



No matter I what I do, it require approval from Purchasing only - clearly I am missing something obvious.

3 replies

Userlevel 3

Hi @jwarren ,


Are\jbrowne 2 separate users?


I think you may want to break up\jbrowne onto 2 lines if these are 2 separate users. 

(requistion created by OR

requisition created by jbrowne)


(requistion created by OR

requisition created by jbrowne)

and $>0

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Please ensure that you have the Require Approval selected on the Purchase Requisitions Preferences:



Userlevel 7
Badge +10

It looks like you have Active Directory in use.  Are you sure you have the full username?  

We have AD in use on ours and I have a similar approval map for Sales Orders and when I tested it out using the Created By field, it works as I expected, but my AD user ID is longer (it has the domain at the end, it cuts off on the screenshot.  (i.e. megan.friesen@contego…..)

