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Inserting data to Acumatica by REST requests

  • 1 February 2023
  • 1 reply


My application forms rest requests and creates invoices

It working except one moment

Our client has added custom entity

There is opportunity to create Bill based on subcontract, when I am doing this in Acumatica interface everything works fine

 I added those fields to endpoint

and now trying to do same with rest request 

Here is my request :


Body :


  "VendorRef": {

    "value": "1ABL-217i941"


  "DueDate": {

    "value": "3/2/2023"


  "Vendor": {

    "value": "V-06702"


  "Date": {

    "value": "1/31/2023"


  "Terms": {

    "value": "PWP"


  "PostPeriod": {

    "value": "01-2023"


  "Details": <


      "Description": {

        "value": "Line 001 - Gypcrete"


      "Qty": {

        "value": 1


      "UnitCost": {

        "value": "34573.2"


      "ExtendedCost": {

        "value": "34573.2"


      "Account": {

        "value": "5430"


      "SubcontractLine": {

        "value": "1"


      "SubcontractNbr": {

        "value": "234567"


      "rowNumber": {

        "value": "1"





This request is workable and bill is successfully created 

However, these new fields are not exported 

How to send these values to Acumatica, what should be done ?

Thanks in advance 


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Duplicated topic. 

See here: