I am trying to write an Excel VBA macro to change Inventory IDs. On a stock item’s page, there is a Change ID option, where I can do it manually. I’d like to do something like this:
Sub TestChangeInvID(ByRef Cookie1 As String, ByRef Cookie2 As String)
Dim Headers(4, 2) As String, Body As String, ResponseHeaders As String, ResponseText As String
Headers(1, 1) = "Accept"
Headers(1, 2) = "application/json"
Headers(2, 1) = "Content-type"
Headers(2, 2) = "application/json"
Headers(3, 1) = "Cookie"
Headers(3, 2) = "ASP.NET_SessionId=" & Cookie1
Headers(4, 1) = "Cookie"
Headers(4, 2) = ".ASPXAUTH=" & Cookie2
Body = "{""entity"" : {""InventoryID"" : {""value"":""MYITEM""}},""parameters"" : {""InventoryID"" : {""value"":""MYITEM1""}}}"
If SendData("POST", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/StockItem/ChangeID", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 204 Then
Debug.Print "Success!"
End If
End Sub
It doesn’t work, I am guessing because I don’t see a ChangeID action when I view my web service endpoints. But I’d like to do something like the above, changing MYITEM to MYITEM1.
I have a not-so-great workaround by copying the stock item to a new Inventory ID and then deleting the old Inventory ID, but this really isn’t good, since it doesn’t transfer inventory counts and so on.
' Inventory IDs to delete are in column A, beginning at row 2
Sub DeleteStockItemsFromAcuamtica()
Dim Cookie1 As String, Cookie2 As String
Dim Headers(4, 2) As String, Body As String, ResponseHeaders As String, ResponseText As String
Dim row As Integer
' Login to Acumatica
If LoginAcumatica(Cookie1, Cookie2) <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Login failed!"
Exit Sub
End If
Headers(1, 1) = "Accept"
Headers(1, 2) = "application/json"
Headers(2, 1) = "Content-type"
Headers(2, 2) = "application/json"
Headers(3, 1) = "Cookie"
Headers(3, 2) = "ASP.NET_SessionId=" & Cookie1
Headers(4, 1) = "Cookie"
Headers(4, 2) = ".ASPXAUTH=" & Cookie2
Body = ""
row = 2
Do Until StrComp(ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value, "") = 0
If SendData("DELETE", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/StockItem/" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value, Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 204 Then
Debug.Print "Successfully deleted item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value
End If
row = row + 1
' Logout of Acumatica
If LogoutAcumatica(Cookie1, Cookie2) <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Logout failed!"
End If
End Sub
' Inventory IDs to copy are in column A, beginning at row 2, and the new inventory IDs are in column B
Sub CopyStockItemsToNewInventoryIDs()
Dim Cookie1 As String, Cookie2 As String
Dim Headers(4, 2) As String, Body As String, ResponseHeaders As String, ResponseText As String
Dim row As Integer
' Login to Acumatica
If LoginAcumatica(Cookie1, Cookie2) <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Login failed!"
Exit Sub
End If
Headers(1, 1) = "Accept"
Headers(1, 2) = "application/json"
Headers(2, 1) = "Content-type"
Headers(2, 2) = "application/json"
Headers(3, 1) = "Cookie"
Headers(3, 2) = "ASP.NET_SessionId=" & Cookie1
Headers(4, 1) = "Cookie"
Headers(4, 2) = ".ASPXAUTH=" & Cookie2
row = 2
Do Until StrComp(ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value, "") = 0
Body = ""
If SendData("GET", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/StockItem/" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & "?$expand=Attributes,Boxes,Categories,CrossReferences,FileURLs,ReplenishmentParameters,SubItems,UOMConversions,VendorDetails,WarehouseDetails", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 200 Then
' If item exists, copy it to new Inventory ID (along with vendor costs and retail prices)
ResponseText = Replace(ResponseText, """InventoryID"":{""value"":""" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & """}", """InventoryID"":{""value"":""" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "B").Value & """}")
' Get rid of item-specific stuff, like IDs, links, etc
Call CleanUpResponseText(ResponseText)
Debug.Print vbNewLine & ResponseText
Body = ResponseText
If SendData("PUT", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/StockItem?$expand=Attributes,Boxes,Categories,CrossReferences,FileURLs,ReplenishmentParameters,SubItems,UOMConversions,VendorDetails,WarehouseDetails", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 200 Then
Debug.Print "Successfully copied data from item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & " to item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "B").Value
End If
' Copy vendor cost information
Body = "{""InventoryID"" : {""value"" : """ & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & """}}"
If SendData("PUT", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/VendorPricesInquiry?$expand=VendorPriceDetails", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 200 Then
ResponseText = Replace(ResponseText, """InventoryID"":{""value"":""" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & """}", """InventoryID"":{""value"":""" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "B").Value & """}")
' Get rid of item-specific stuff, like IDs, links, etc
Call CleanUpResponseText(ResponseText)
Debug.Print vbNewLine & ResponseText
Body = ResponseText
If SendData("PUT", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/VendorPricesInquiry?$expand=VendorPriceDetails", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 200 Then
Debug.Print "Successfully copied vendor cost data from item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & " to item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "B").Value
End If
' Copy retail price information
Body = "{""InventoryID"" : {""value"" : """ & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & """}}"
If SendData("PUT", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/SalesPricesInquiry?$expand=SalesPriceDetails", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 200 Then
ResponseText = Replace(ResponseText, """InventoryID"":{""value"":""" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & """}", """InventoryID"":{""value"":""" & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "B").Value & """}")
' Get rid of item-specific stuff, like IDs, links, etc
Call CleanUpResponseText(ResponseText)
Debug.Print vbNewLine & ResponseText
Body = ResponseText
If SendData("PUT", "https://alaskansales.acumatica.com/entity/Default/22.200.001/SalesPricesInquiry?$expand=SalesPriceDetails", Headers, Body, ResponseHeaders, ResponseText) = 200 Then
Debug.Print "Successfully copied retail price data from item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "A").Value & " to item " & ActiveSheet.Cells(row, "B").Value
End If
End If
End If
End If
row = row + 1
' Logout of Acumatica
If LogoutAcumatica(Cookie1, Cookie2) <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Logout failed!"
End If
End Sub
Sub CleanUpResponseText(ByRef ResponseText As String)
Dim pos As Long
' Remove IDs from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """id"":""") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """id"":""")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, """,") + 2)
' Remove RecordIDs from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """RecordID"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """RecordID"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
' Remove row numbers from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """rowNumber"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """rowNumber"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
' Remove notes from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """note"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """note"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1) ' Could be bug here if note has a comma in it
' Remove RefNoteIDs from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """RefNoteID"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """RefNoteID"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
' Remove NoteIDs from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """NoteID"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """NoteID"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
' Remove links from JSON
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, ",""_links"":{") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, ",""_links"":{")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, "{filename}""}") + Len("{filename}""}"))
' Remove QOHs from JSON (so it doesn't potentially mess up our inventory)
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """QtyOnHand"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """QtyOnHand"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
' Remove last modified date/times
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """LastModified"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """LastModified"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """LastModifiedDateTime"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """LastModifiedDateTime"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
' Remove created date/time (I think Acumatica will supply this)
Do Until InStr(ResponseText, """CreatedDateTime"":") = 0
pos = InStr(ResponseText, """CreatedDateTime"":")
ResponseText = Left(ResponseText, pos - 1) & Mid(ResponseText, InStr(pos, ResponseText, ",") + 1)
End Sub