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We have setup a Connected Service in C# to our WSE endpoint, I remember from previous work with Acumatica that to access a Generic Inquiry we need to utilize the Put request.  I am trying this on the InventorySummaryInquiry to get the list of locations available for an item but am getting an error saying the select, filter, expand and custom fields need to be supplied, if I attempt to supply values for each of these then it fails because I am not able to determine exactly what should be supplied for expand or custom.

Should I be using something else here?

InventorySummaryInquiry inquiryData = await inquiryClient.PutEntityAsync(new InventorySummaryInquiry() { InventoryID = new StringValue() { Value = e.RequestData.ItemName }, ExpandByLotSerialNbr = new BooleanValue() { Value = true } }, "", "", "", "");


The data specified in the request is invalid.

Status: 400
{"message":"The request is invalid.","modelState":{"$select.String":g"A value is required but was not present in the request."],"$filter.String":g"A value is required but was not present in the request."],"$expand.String":g"A value is required but was not present in the request."],"$custom.String":g"A value is required but was not present in the request."]}}

Ah okay, I determined that I need to pass in null for the select, filter, expand and custom values.  That stops the error.

Final update on this one, it is now working, not sure why it wasn’t after the changes as I haven’t done anything just came back to it to try again and now the results are being returned.

The request is processing now, however, I am not getting anything back in the Results. If I don’t include the expand parameter then it returns a null Results object.

If I add “results” to the expand parameter then I get back a valid Results object with nothing in it.

InventorySummaryInquiry inquiryData = await inquiryClient.PutEntityAsync(new InventorySummaryInquiry() { InventoryID = new StringValue() { Value = e.RequestData.ItemName }, ExpandByLotSerialNbr = new BooleanValue() { Value = false } }, null, null, "results", null);

Results = {"ExpandByLotSerialNbr":{"value":false},"InventoryID":{"value":"AACOMPUT01"},"LocationID":{},"Results":s],"WarehouseID":{},"id":"5b56bf90-80c2-4fae-858e-c57fed31cf3f","rowNumber":1,"custom":{}}


Sorry for the basic questions, am getting back into the Acumatica arena after a time away.

Forgot to include screenshot of the result in Acumatica



Hi @cmarshall74 thank you for sharing the solution and journey :slight_smile:
