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Hi guys

I need two clarifications on two scenarios 

1)What’s the meaning of Plus sign on the row and in that grid “Seq” number is autonumbering some times it’s skipping row’s.

2)And when I clicking on next > record on Parent grid it’s not fetching the  2nd record and its Holding  1st record only



This means the row has not been committed to the backend yet and only exists on the front-end.

The overall screen design is a bit confusing to me. 

I don’t quite understand what the “>” button is supposed to do in the grid. 

I’d start with understanding the structure of navigation of the screen and then go from there. 


Usually, if you have the navigation buttons on a screen, that means you should have a single primary record that is currently selected. And the buttons should change the record. As far as I can tell, it’s not the case for your screen. And that is probably causing the issue. 

 Hi @Dmitrii Naumov , How can I terminate this to save the data in backend and I used “commit changes”=True

And any suggestions on when I clicking on next > record on Parent grid it’s not fetching the  2nd record and its Holding  1st record only
