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Hello Everyone,

We are trying to create a new project from webhook but it is giving “CURYID” cannot be empty error with below code. I have assigned curyid field in the code as well, but getting same exception.

 public class Testwebhookclass : PXGraph<Testwebhookclass>, IWebhookHandler
public async Task<System.Web.Http.IHttpActionResult> ProcessRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var resultresponse = new OkResult(request);

var projectGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<ProjectEntry>();
//Customer customer = PXSelect<Customer, Where<Customer.acctCD, Equal<Required<Customer.acctCD>>>>.Select(projectGraph, customerCD);

PMProject objNewProject = new PMProject();
objNewProject.ContractCD = "TestPJ1";
objNewProject = projectGraph.Project.Insert(objNewProject);
// objNewProject.CustomerID = customer.BAccountID;
//objNewProject = projectGraph.Project.Update(objNewProject);

PMProject Templatedetails = PXSelect<PMProject, Where<PMProject.contractCD, Equal<Required<PMProject.contractCD>>>>.Select(projectGraph, "INTERNAL");
objNewProject.TemplateID = Templatedetails?.ContractID;
//projectGraph.Project.Cache.SetValueExt<PMProject.templateID>(objNewProject, Templatedetails.ContractID);
//objNewProject.CuryID = "USD";
//objNewProject.DefaultBranchID = 16;
projectGraph.DefaultFromTemplate(objNewProject, Templatedetails.ContractID, new ProjectEntry.DefaultFromTemplateSettings()
CopyProperties = true,
CopyTasks = true,
//CopyBudget = false,
CopyAttributes = true,
//CopyRecurring = false,
//CopyEmployees = false,
//CopyEquipment = false,
CopyNotification = true,
CopyAccountMapping = true,
CopyCurrency = true
objNewProject.Description = "Test project name";
objNewProject = projectGraph.Project.Update(objNewProject);
return resultresponse;

The same code is working fine in the custom button without using webhook. Why it is not working through webhook?

Can anyone suggest the approach to create a project from webhook?




Thank you for sharing this with the community @ddunn !

Note for future me: GetAdminScope only wanted to return “admin” in this case and not “admin@Company”.  When I debugged my code I looked at the AccessInfo cache and noticed that the ContactID, nor the UserID field values were filled in. I went back to GetAdminScope and removed the fix I thought I was making that helped to solve my issue.

Also, the webhook was returning PXOuterException but when I debugged the exception object I found clues within the InnerException which led me to the above.

I’m having the same problem.  Using this example from GitHub I have wrapped my code with:

using (var scope = GetAdminScope())


 Below is GetAdminScope:

private IDisposable GetAdminScope()
var userName = "admin";
if (PXDatabase.Companies.Length > 0)
var company = PXAccess.GetCompanyName();
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(company))
company = PXDatabase.Companiesp0];
userName = userName + "@" + company;
return new PXLoginScope(userName);

My PXDatabase.Companies.Length value is 0 which seems wrong.

I see that the scope variable has a Branch property that is null and scope.Company is also null.


PXLogin.SetBranchID(16); //pulled 16 from the Company table

after the call to GetAdminScope doesn’t affect my scope.Branch value.

Even forcing GetAdminScope to return:

return new PXLoginScope(userName + "@" + "Company")

doesn’t populate the scope variable Branch and Company

(“Company” is the CompanyCD for my company)

In order to have proper CuryID (and other fields) defaulting you need to work in scope of some branch. 

Try this code before the line that creates the graph:

