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Push Notifications are NOT triggering

  • 29 October 2020
  • 4 replies


While we are investigating this issue, we went to “System Queues Monitor” screen and observed this error: “Processing time threshold is reached or maximum number of records exceeded”.  Attacheed screenshots for reference.

In “Settings” tab of System Queues Monitor, below values are configured.

Processing Time Threshold (s): 30

Number of Records in Detailed Log: 100

For now we have cleared the quque by clicking on “Clear Queue”. Can you please let us know, what are recommened values to be configure to avoid this issues in furure.



Best Regards,

Naveen B

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @naveenb74 ,

Can you check what you see when you click the View Details button? Clearing the Queue might have removed the error messages, if so please reply back the next time the error happens.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Gabriel Michaud ,

Sure. Will update the error details here when I get the error next time.


Best Regards,

Naveen B

Userlevel 2

We have a client with the same error message, and the ACH batch remits were not processed. They eventually ran; however, all payment register information was empty, and no remits were produced. This happened a third time. Do you have any information that would help them?

Userlevel 5

When Naveen posts his own question you know its serious! Kidding, good luck
