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Override AccountAttribute

  • 8 February 2023
  • 4 replies

I need to override the accountattribute so that it accepts inactive accounts, how do I do this, currently the restrictors I want to remove…..


    PXRestrictorAttribute(typeof(Where<, Equal<True>>), "Account is inactive.", newv] { })]
    bPXRestrictorAttribute(typeof(Where<Where<Current<GLSetup.ytdNetIncAccountID>, IsNull, Or<Account.accountID, NotEqual<Current<GLSetup.ytdNetIncAccountID>>>>>), "YTD Net Income Account cannot be used in this context.", newt] { })]
    ]PXUIField(DisplayName = "Account", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible, FieldClass = "ACCOUNT")]

public class AccountAttribute : AcctSubAttribute, IPXFieldVerifyingSubscriber, IPXRowPersistingSubscriber
        public const string DimensionName = "ACCOUNT";

        public AccountAttribute();




4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @gparrales50  You can write a CacheAttached event with the [PXRemoveBaseAttribute(typeof(PXRestrictorAttribute))] 


Below is the sample example for reference.


 [PXMergeAttributes(Method = MergeMethod.Merge)]


        protected virtual void SOOrder_CustomerID_CacheAttached(PXCache cache)




For some reason the removebaseattribute does not work, since it is implemented by a class, from what I understand, by placing the [Account] attribute the restrict of the AccountId field of the Account Table is triggered





Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @gparrales50  It seems [Account] attribute is decorated with the PXRestrictor. Please find the screenshot



Thanks @Naveen Boga ,


Exactly, that's why I think the PXRemoveBaseAttribute doesn't work for me, how can I bypass that restriction?
