Is it possible to have different button to be the default available on the same screen for different roles?
We are starting to look into User Roles and security and I have been looking but didn’t find anything that addresses this. Is it possible via a customization to have a different button be the main button on the same screen based on the user’s role.
For example on the Shipments screen below:
For the roles Customer Service and Warehouse:
Customer Service: ideally, the Print Shipment Confirmation would be highlighted in Green and be the main option, while Confirm Shipment would be hidden under the 3 dots.
Warehouse: Confirm Shipment highlighted in green as it is now, Print Shipment Confirmation hidden under the 3 dots
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Yes it can be done but see below for some limitations depending on your full intent.
I don’t believe this is possible with the basic/low code Visual Workflow Customization as User Role is not a workflow identifying field so you couldn’t have full separate flows by Role
Workflow-Identifying Field that allows multiple workflow splits based on selection
This could be addressed by creating a custom Workflow at the coding level.
this could be done by setting up different State Conditions by Role
Open for CSR and Open for Whse for example at the coding level. The screen presentation would then differ based on those states depending on the user security viewing them.
This could also be achieved by Event handling on the screen.
If you want both buttons to show they can both be added in Workflow
Here both the Hold Button and Confirm Shipment Button are active for the Open State
The hiding/showing of buttons can be addressed another way by role thru the security settings. As long as you would never want your Cust Svc rep to Confirm Shipment and your Whse to never Print Confirmations
You can add both buttons to the Workflow State toolbar
Then remove the access of the Confirm Shipment btn from the Customer Svc Role &
Then remove the access of the print Confirmation btn from the Warehouse Role