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I try complete bidding screen some can complete and some cannot compete

  • 14 December 2023
  • 2 replies

I try complete bidding screen some can complete and some cannot compete. No error popup or in trace log. How to know log error beside trace log ?

2 replies

Badge +18

Hello @kevinheng21 ,

When you compare one bid that completes with a bid that does not complete, side-by-side on two windows, what differences do you see?

When you compare the Vendor profiles from one bid that completes with a bid that does not complete, side-by-side on two windows, what differences do you see?

When you compare the Inventory Item profiles  from one bid that completes with a bid that does not complete, side-by-side on two windows, what differences do you see?

Do you have any customizations that may affect the bidding screens and processes?  If so, please try temporarily disabling the customizations to verify the customizations are not interfering with ability  to complete bids.

If you cannot identify the issue, please post screen shots of a “good” bid and a one bid that will not complete, to help us answer your question. Include details such as Version of Acumatica, and what changed since your bids worked successfully.

Thank you!


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Hi @kevinheng21 ,

Have you checked on the screen under the Tools→ Trace on the right side there is Exception column or click on the ScreenID as shown in the below screenshot.


