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I have a customer who wants to change the Categories list on the Task screen. It doesn’t appear that I can do this on either the new Workflow or in Automation Steps.

Where would I do this?


haha 🙂 I hope you got the required solution.

Just used this- thank you @Naveen B 


NOT from the Automation Steps, I think It was done at the Fields in the customization package like below. please find the screenshots for reference.


Before hide the Category field from Customization Package


Hiding the field from Fields in Customization package


Field hidden in Tasks screen



Hope this helps!!

Hi Naveen,

Thank you for the reply!

I’m actually trying to change what’s in the dropdown list for the Category field. This is what’s currently there:

The customer would like a different list.

Sorry, I was understood differently.


Please add list to this screen (Events and Task Categories - EP204040), you will get these values in that “Category” field in Task screen


Thank you so much!

I was making it way more complicated than it needed to be, lol.

 @AWelty24  Most Welcome :) 

Hi @Naveen Boga

do you know by any chance what could be the reason for the system not showing the selected colors in the Tasks screen (EP404000)? 

I managed the colors and categories in the Event and Task Categories EP204040 screen.

Greetings from Germany
