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Does anyone know how to load external url image to Acumatica Form?
I added an URL as User-Defined Fields in SOLine. I want to create a new form for the SOLine that can display the image of the URL, foe eample SOLine.UsrImageUrl = The new form will display the image of the URL when an SOLine is selected. Then I want to add this new form as a side panel of Sales Order Entry screen. So when user click an order line, the side panel will display the image of the line.

Maybe create a report that has the image which gets it from your url data field,  and parameter is the stock item code

Then on the side panel on the form it is the report, and you pass the parameter of the stock item code

That might work

@lbarker Thanks for your suggestion. But the Acumatica report can’t get the image form external URL. It can only get the image stored within the same Acumatica server.

I figured it out. The PXImageView will load URL image.

<px:PXImageView runat="server" DataField="ImageUrl" ID="edImage" Style='left:9px;top:9px;Position:absolute;' />

Thank you for sharing your solution with the community @junmao01!
