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How to include Pivot Tables created using Screen SM208010 in Customization Packages?

Hello All,


I have a client who needed a Pivot Table as a side panel in one of the screens. I have done the work and created the Pivot Table using Screen SM208010 and all work just fine but I do not see a node in Customization Packages to include the Pivot Table in a package. I thought if we include the underlying GI, the platform is smart enough to include the associated Pivot Tables but it didn’t happen. I added this PT to a Dashboard and included the dashboard in the package but it didn’t help either. Has someone come across this in the past and are you aware of any way to include it? I know I can export the PT and import it on the client site but I would like to keep the package neat and clean and include the PT in it. The version I am using is 22.211.0034

@smarenich @Dmitrii Naumov @Yuriy Zaletskyy @BenjaminCrisman

There is not elegant solution on how to include Pivot table in the package. But I can suggest you an workaround. Find out, which tables store information about Pivot tables, what information is needed in tables for exact pivot table, and after publish event either

  1. execute SQL script, which will create Pivot tables
  2. through C# code insert data for creation of Pivot tables

I’d imagine other ways may exist, but for now, when our team needs to deliver Pivot tables, we mostly use either a or b approach.

@Yuriy Zaletskyy Thanks for the explanation. Don’t you possibly have the SQL script that possibly gets the GI ID or PT ID and generates the required “Insert Into” script that I do not spend time on it? I can do it this way for sure but I am trying to avoid spending time as it is not something that I need it every day. Thank you.

Unfortunately I can't. IP for that belongs to our customers, and I can share with you idea. Or I will need to create scripts from scratch. 

Thanks @Yuriy Zaletskyy No worries
