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I have created some custom fields in the Invoices and Memos screen, and in the report designer, I can see that they appear in the ARInvoiceExt table, as shown below. However, when I go to include one of these in the report, nothing seems to appear.


I also tried joining the ARInvoiceExt table to the ARInvoice table by RefNbr but that didn’t seem to help either.


The custom fields on the right of the image below are what I am trying to pull through:


What is the best way for me to get these custom fields to pull through in the report?


Kind regards,




Hi Naveen, I managed to resolve the issue .The screenshot I sent through was of a sub report I was using, so I decided to do the ‘Refresh All’ you mentioned in the main report and then those custom fields appeared in the ARInvoice table.


I then passed these custom fields as parameters to the sub report and I was able to get the values to pull through correctly.


Thanks for your quick response!


Kind regards,


Do you values for the custom fields in the database for this record @AndrewA 

Hi Naveen,

Thanks for your response. The image below shows that these custom fields already appear in the report designer, but don’t show any values when included in the report.



When I run the report, the highlighted sections below are blank, which is where these custom fields are meant to be.



Is there any reason why these values wouldn’t be coming through? Is ARInvoiceExt a bit different to other tables?


Kind regards,


Hi @AndrewA After you open the report → Build Schema → Load Schema → Click on REFRESH ALL so that Custom fields will appear in the Report.


